Our Promise
- To deliver professional, efficient and high quality advice and services
- To be honest and open, taking responsibility for our actions
- To treat customers fairly, impartially and with consistency
- To use customer feedback, comments and complaints to help us improve our services in the future
Our Standards of Service:
When you call us by phone:
- We will introduce ourselves and the company in a polite and professional manner
- We know people like speaking to people; we will make it easy for you to speak to one of our friendly customer service advisors without the need for automated voice recording options
- We will aim to answer 90% of our calls in 30 seconds
- We will speak plainly offering clear, concise advice
- We will keep hold times to a minimum and won’t let you hold for more than 4 minutes without coming back to your call
- We will always offer a call back if the hold time exceeds 4 minutes
When you write to us:
- We will acknowledge your correspondence within one business day
- We will set out a realistic time scale in which we can deal with your enquiry (if it cannot be dealt with immediately)
- We will reply in a professional, courteous manner
When you chat to us:
- We will deliver a response within 30 seconds
- We will provide high quality, accurate information
- We will give you the opportunity to rate your chat experience
When you visit us in person:
- We will greet you in a polite and friendly manner
- We will keep customer wait times to a minimum and advise you of any delay
We are committed to keeping our promises and achieving our service aims, but we are also realistic and recognise that things don’t always go according to plan. If you are not happy with the service or advice you have received we would invite you to contact our Customer Service team who will endeavour to resolve your complaint in a timely manner. In the unfortunate event that you are not satisfied with the outcome you can contact our Customer Care team at [email protected] who will investigate further.
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