Transglobal Express - Worldwide Parcel Delivery
  • 0345 145 1212 Monday to Friday, 08:30 – 18:00
    Saturday, 09:00 - 13:00. Calls recorded.

Consignment Summary

Your Consignment Summary is a summary of the contents of your shipment. This will appear on your Air Waybill (your primary shipping label), and is separate from the itemised list of contents you are asked to provide as part of a Packing List/Customs Invoice—though it may appear on both.

The character limit for the Consignment Summary varies by carrier. It can be as short as 50 characters. However, you should aim to be as specific as possible within the space provided, and refer to specific items rather than using general categories.

Carriers are now asking for more information to try to help speed up the customs clearance process, particularly for shipments to Europe following Brexit.

In your description, be sure to answer the following:

  • What is it?
  • What is it made of/from?
  • What is it for (if this is not immediately clear)?

Here are some examples:

Unacceptable Acceptable
Shirts Men's cotton shirts
Artwork Oil painting on canvas
Books Leather-bound printed books


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