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Installing our Shopify importer

Please note: You will not be able to pull customer details through from Shopify if you are only on their Basic membership plan. This access is only included in higher subscription tiers. Please refer to the Shopify website for a full list of features for each plan.

To link your Shopify store to your Transglobal Express account, please complete the following steps.

Step 1 – Getting Shopify Ready

On Shopify, we will require you to provide us with read access to your orders and products, and read/write permissions for orders and shipping, to allow the importer to function correctly. If you have any concerns or questions about these permissions, please get back to us and we’ll happily discuss.

You'll need to add our test app to your Shopify account. Select Apps from the left-hand menu:

Apps in the menu

Then on the Apps page, click on Develop apps.

Develop apps

And then click Create an app.

If prompted, click to enable private apps and agree to the terms. Then click on Create private app:

Create an app

As pop up box will appear. Enter:

App Name: Name does not matter - something for your own reference

App Developer: A support contact within your business

Create an app - details

And create the app.

Under the Configuration tab, you’ll need to click Configure for Admin API integration.

Configure app

At minimum set the following permissions for Admin API access scopes:

  • Customers (Read)
  • Products (Read)
  • Inventory (Read)
  • Orders (Read/Write)
  • Shipping (Read/Write)
  • Assigned Fulfilment Orders (Read/Write)
  • Merchant Managed Fulfilment Orders (Read/Write)
  • Third Party Fulfilment Orders (Read/Write)
  • Locations (Read)

Ensure that you have the latest Webhook API version selected and then save. Once saved, you’ll then need to click Install app found at the top of the page:

Install app

Important: your Admin API access token can only be revealed once.

Reveal your Admin API access token and API secret key. These need to be entered at the Transglobal Shopify page.

Step 2 – Shop Imports

Go to My Account -> Shop Imports (under API Settings) and select the Shopify link. You’ll need to be logged in to your Transglobal Express account.

Enter the application credentials (retrieved from step 1) along with your Shopify store URL into the Shopify settings and click save.


Shopify settings

Once your store has been successfully integrated click Import shop orders to get your latest orders from Shopify (this may take a while to work when running for the first time).

Import shop orders

And that's it - job done!

For more information on using our importer tool to book shipping, see how to use shop order importers.

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