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Royal Mail has urged people to stop posting empty crisp packets without putting them in envelopes, following a campaign to pressure Walkers into using recyclable materials.

A petition hosted by 38 Degrees called for people to mail their empty crisp packets to Walkers HQ in Leicester, using the company’s freepost address. Those taking part have snapped selfies of themselves mailing the crisp packets and posted them on social media, using the hashtag #PacketInWalkers.

Royal Mail is required by law to deliver the packets but has spoken out against the practice, which slows down mail processing.

“We strongly encourage customers not to post anything into the postal system which is not properly packaged,” said a Royal Mail spokesperson. “Crisp packets can’t go through the machines, they are not normal mail items therefore my hardworking colleagues need to manually sort them, which adds time.”

Royal Mail urges people not to post loose crisp packets

Campaigners at 38 Degrees responded that they would forward the request to use envelopes to the thousands of Walkers’ customers taking part. However, they reiterated the importance of their campaign.

“Walkers produce a staggering 7,000 plastic crisp packets a minute which they don’t pay a penny to clean up,” said Cathy Warren, a 38 Degrees campaigner. “They need to listen to their customers and take action now.”

Walkers has acknowledged the campaign and said the returned packets “will be used in our research, as we work towards our commitment of improving the recyclability of our packaging.”

The company has pledged to switch to 100% recyclable, compostable or biodegradable packaging by 2025.

Source: BBC News

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