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FedEx has teamed up with the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety to improve road safety for cyclists in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia.

The Global Alliance includes more than 220 road safety organisations, including the European Cyclists Federation (ECF), which it will be working with to define safe cycling practises through the Safer Cycling Advocate Programme, a two-year project based on similar schemes that have already taken place in Copenhagen and Amsterdam.

“As the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety nears to a close, this is the ideal moment to deliver a significant push towards safer roads in Europe,” said Rock Sherman, vice president of FedEx Express’ European Road Network.

“Road safety has long been a focus area for us. By collaborating with a non-profit that connects road safety charities, we are helping to share valuable information with organisations looking to deliver positive change in their own communities.”

The programme will receive funding through FedEx Cares, the social responsibility arm of the parcel delivery company.

Meanwhile, FedEx has been busy progressing its integration with courier company TNT to improve its coverage of European roads.

Source: Post & Parcel

Header image: Viktor Juric

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