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The world’s oldest operational post office is looking for a new owner as its current owners are set to retire.

The post office in Sanquhar, Dumfries, first opened 307 years ago in 1712. It faces closure if there is no one willing to take over the business, which a branch of the state-owned Post Office company.

If this happens, a post office in Stockholm, Sweden, which opened in 1720, will take over the title.

Dr Manzoor Alam and Nazra Alam have run the post office since 2015, but they will be retiring from the job in May. The post office serves a town of 2,000 people and is a popular tourist attraction.

Amanda Jones, Post Office’s group retail and franchise network director, said: “The opportunity to be a part of postal history doesn’t come along very often and any new owner would be only the 17th person to run Sanquhar Post Office in over 300 years.”

The local council has joined efforts to try to find a buyer.

Source: BBC News, Metro

Header image: Dele Oke

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