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DHL recently sent out a survey to over 350 supply chain professionals from around the world to discover the reasons behind the talent shortage crisis currently faced by the global supply chain.

According to their report, “The Supply Chain Talent Shortage: From Gap to Crisis”, reasons for the shortfall include the changing skillsets required due to digitalisation, an aging workforce, a lack of initiatives to attract talent, and the perception that supply chain jobs are boring.

Lisa Harrington of the lharrington group, the consultancy firm commissioned by DHL to carry out the report, cites a study which found that companies with good talent management increased revenue and profits at a significantly greater speed than companies described as “talent laggards”.

The report recommends offering “clearer career paths and a visible commitment to the professional development of its supply chain staff combined with competitive remuneration packages”.

It also encourages companies to start “emphasizing that the future workforce will need to have skills in robotic management, AI and IV control – job aspects that would be attractive to the younger demographic and help combat the negative perception of the sector.”

(Source: Post&Parcel)

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