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The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has released an "ABC Guide to Brexit" following the EU Referendum result, outlining their top 10 concerns.

At the top of the list is “A for Access to the Single Market”, which the FTA describes as “the $360 billion question – the value of Britain’s trade with the EU”. This has been the biggest economic talking point in the entire Brexit debate and the cargo industry is no exception.

The other predominant concerns include border controls, customs arrangements and the enforcement of cross-border traffic. Currently customs clearance is not required between the UK and the rest of the EU, but this is very likely to change when Britain leaves.

The FTA has concerns about Brexit
(Image credit: Robert King)

Shippers and supply chain companies are concerned about new tariffs and clearance procedures, which could result in higher costs and potential delays. The FTA also cites security issues relating to migrants at UK borders, which is a serious consideration for truck drivers.

Other issues include domestic legislation, given that a huge amount of existing transport legislation is based on EU regulations; fuel duty, and the question of whether it should be reduced; and more investment in UK roads and ports, to prevent some of the biggest container ships from skipping the UK, which results in the need for transshipment (shipment to an intermediate destination) via the European continent.

The FTA dedicates one of its points entirely to Heathrow and the need to “keep Britain connected with the rest of the world by expanding Heathrow as the country’s global air cargo hub airport.” It also mentions the logistics issues facing Ireland, both at the UK border and for goods delivered to the European continent via the UK.

The press release ends with an invitation for businesses to join the FTA, for whom “influencing the outcome of the negotiations” is its “top priority going forward.”

(Source: FTA)

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