Please find updates and service restrictions concerning shipping to United Arab Emirates (UAE) below:
General Information for the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Customs regulations apply for international destinations. Please refer to our Customs Information. For important information regarding FedEx shipments to the UAE, please see below.
The de minimis limit for the United Arab Emirates (i.e. the value of goods that can be imported duty free) is 300 AED.
Carrier Information for the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
DHL Express shipping information for the United Arab Emirates
FedEx shipping information for the United Arab Emirates
- FedEx puts all goods bound for the UAE through Dubai, where they are subject to customs clearance. Your shipment must meet Dubai customs requirements in relation to import licenses, etc.
- Please refer to FedEx's guidance on prohibited items. You will need to select "United Arab Emirates" from the dropdown menu.
- See our FedEx service information for a full overview.
TG Express shipping information for the United Arab Emirates
TG Express Direct shipping information for the United Arab Emirates
- There is an extensive list of items forbidden for import to the United Arab Emirates. These include (but are not limited to) animals and animal matter; antiques; asbestos; bullion; currency of any denomination; firearms, parts of firearms and ammunition; furs; hazardous or combustible materials; human remains including ashes; jewellery; illegal narcotics; gambling devices; ivory; plants or plant matter; plant products; and pornography.
- Due to the high level of consignee involvement required to clear all dutiable shipments into the UAE, clearance times may vary depending on the level of cooperation from the consignee. For this reason, the consignee's contact name and phone number are required.
- Original invoices are required for any high value shipments (currently defined as AED 1,000 or above) or any shipments weighing 50kg or above, which are to be imported to Dubai under the Free Trade Zone license scheme. In all cases, original invoices must be on the shipper's letterhead, signed in blue ink, showing the correct HAWB number, invoice value, country of origin, HS Code, and packing list in the event of multiple HS Codes.
- For all commercial imports, the importing company should hold a valid Impoter Code. For personal imports, consignees will need to provide a valid passport showing a current UAE visa and Emirates ID.
- Items that are restricted by quantity or type for import to the UAE include (but are not limited to) alcoholic beverages; coal and firewood; communications equipment; CDs; cotton and cotton seed; diskettes; drugs (both prescription and non-prescription); films media (whether 8mm, 16mm or 35mm); entertainment, promotional or training films and presentations; foodstuffs; isopropanol; and laser discs.
- Consignments containing medicine will require approval from the Ministry of Health, and this will need to be obtained by the consignee.
- Consignments containing high value books will require approval from the National Media Council.
- Many companies in the UAE close at midday on Thursday and remain closed throughout Friday, in which case redelivery will be attempted on Saturday if the company is open, or on Sunday.
- See also our TG Express Direct service information.
TG International shipping information for the United Arab Emirates
- Our carrier puts all goods bound for the UAE through Dubai, where they are subject to customs clearance. Your shipment must meet Dubai customs requirements in relation to import licenses, etc.
- Please refer to the carrier's guidance on prohibited items. You will need to select "United Arab Emirates" from the dropdown menu.
- See our TG International service information for a full overview.
UPS shipping information for the United Arab Emirates
Please note: This is not a comprehensive list of customs restrictions and is provided for guidance only. Please consult the relevant customs authorities for further clarification and the most up-to-date advice.
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