Transglobal Express - Worldwide Parcel Delivery
  • 0345 145 1212 Monday to Friday, 08:30 – 18:00
    Saturday, 09:00 - 13:00. Calls recorded.


Please find updates and service restrictions concerning shipping to the USA below:

General Information for the USA

Customs regulations apply for international destinations. Please refer to our Customs Information.

When sending personal effects to the USA, the owner of the goods must complete Form 3299 - Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles. Instructions can be found on the US Customs and Border Protection website.

FDA prior notice is required when sending food to the USA. You can download a PDF guide (right-click, Save As) for registering with the FDA.

You can look up commodity codes on the US government website. Codes may have up to 10 digits. Please note that while the first 6 digits of commodity codes are universally recognised, the remaining 4 digits may be unique to the destination country, so these digits may not be the same as in UK tariff codes.

De minimis limit for USA imports

The de minimis limit for imports to the USA is $800. This is the value of a shipment of merchandise that may be imported free of duties and without the need of a customs declaration.

Please note: some US government agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, may require formal customs entries on all goods, regardless of value.

Please see the CBP website for more information.

Carrier Information for the USA

DHL Express shipping information for the USA

DHL Express Services

FedEx shipping information for the USA

FedEx Services

TG Express shipping information for the USA

TG Express Services

TG International shipping information for the USA

TG International Services

UPS shipping information for the USA

UPS Services
  • Please refer to import/export information from UPS. You will need to select your origin and destination countries.
  • Pallets and suitcases are not accepted.
  • UPS prohibits the shipment of vaping products throughout its US network (including import, export, and domestic). Vaping products include any and all non-combustible liquids or gels, regardless of the presence of nicotine, capable of being used with or for the consumption of nicotine, and all related vape devices, products and accessories.
  • See our UPS service information for a full overview.

USPS shipping information for the USA

USPS Services
  • This service is restricted to mainland USA only and excludes Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. Items sent to these destinations will be surcharged £30 per item.
  • This service is restricted to goods valued up to $800, adhering to the USA's tax and duty-free import threshold. Please note that this limit applies per person per day. If you are sending more than one shipment to the same receiver, please ensure the collective value does not exceed $800 for shipments sent on the same day.
  • All foodstuffs and ingestibles are prohibited on this service.
  • All goods under Chapters 26-30 of the Harmonised System are prohibited (e.g. ores, slag, mineral fuels, mineral oils, organic and inorganic chemicals, pharmaceutical products), except for 2936 (vitamins).
  • The following HS codes for medical devices (Chapter 90) are also prohibited: 900130, 900140, 900150, 90019040, 9003, 9004, 9018, 9019, 9020, 9021, 9022.
  • You can look up commodity codes on the US government website. Codes may have up to 10 digits. Please note that while the first 6 digits of commodity codes are universally recognised, the remaining 4 digits may be unique to the destination country, so these digits may not be the same as in UK tariff codes.
  • See our USPS service information for a full overview.

Please note: This is not a comprehensive list of customs restrictions and is provided for guidance only. Please consult the relevant customs authorities for further clarification and the most up-to-date advice.

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